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Kinsley-Offerle USD 347 Public Schools



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Kinsley - Offerle Employment Opportunities/Application

Certified positions available at Kinsley-Offerle USD #347:

Kinsley-Offerle, USD #347 has an openings for the following positions:

K-5 Music Teacher

9-12 Math Teacher

6-8 Math Teacher

Diversified Ag Teacher






Certified Staff Application Form

Classified/Other positions available at Kinsley-Offerle USD #347:

Kinsley-Offerle, USD #347 has openings for the following positions:

Full Time Bus Driver

Substitute Teachers

Substitute Bus Drivers 

Tri-County Special Education Cooperative/USD 495 may have openings for para professionals in the Kinsley-Offerle district as well as at the Larned Middle School and Larned High School.  The paras will work under the direct supervision of a Special Education Teacher and will be a member of the instructional team providing direct or indirect services to identified students.  These individuals are to motivate pupils, build student self-esteem, and supervise activities.  These individuals must maintain confidentiality of pupil behavior and progress records.  Contact 620-285-3119620-285-3185 or email tammy.werner@usd495.net,  to inquire about these positions.   Applications may be picked up at the USD 495 District Office, 120 E. 6th St., Larned, Ks.  These positions will remain open until filled.  

Classified Staff Application Form






You can E-mail any of the completed forms too:

The District Board Clerk 

Alicia Hodges   at   ahodges@usd347.org